Name them one by one. I really love that phrase! I’ve used
it countless times in conversation, on Facebook statuses, etc. But I think I failed
to grasp the significance of exactly what I was saying. Picture it. How long
would it take you to LITERALLY count and name your blessings? One hour? One
day? One month? One year? Five? Ten? Even longer?
It’s a new year and new years signify new beginnings! I try
not to come up with resolutions per say but a theme or two that can carry me
through the next twelve months. One of them is Gratitude. If you’re like me,
then you can relate to being able to make petitions in prayer 24/7 for everyone
and everything around you. But I can’t say the same for praise and
The Bible sates: “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thes. 5:18 (NLT).
Soooooo... in trying to practice being grateful, I started a
“memory/ thank-You box.” A jar can work too, but each and every day I have to
write something I am grateful for that took place or that I thought of that day
and drop it in the box. Big or small, I MUST write something. By small I mean “thank
you Lord for that last seat on the bus cuz I was wearing stilettos… AMEN!” I know
you are laughing but imagine the agony I would’ve been in standing for 45
minutes; possibly longer in traffic, and still having the rest of the day to
endure!! Nothing is too big or small for God, He did say “…ALL circumstance,”
Anyway, I’m only a week in and I am finding myself appreciating
so many more little things and struggling over which to write down and which to
skip… Yes, I still thank God in prayer for the skipped ones (just in case you
were wondering). I can’t wait to see how full the box gets by the end of the
year. Maybe I’ll have two boxes… or more! (Check back in December :P)
How many boxes/jars will YOU have?
It's never too late...just started my gratitude jar!