Monday, December 29, 2014

Mere Christianity: Quote 2 of 5

  1. "Christianity tells people to repent and promises them forgiveness. It therefore has nothing (as far as I know) to say to people who do not know they have done anything to repent of and who do not feel that they need forgiveness." pg 31. 

Self-explanatory right? One cannot seek a savior if they don't think they need to be rescued! Christ is the perfect lamb who was sacrificed as payment for our sins. We believe in that finished work of Christ understanding that judgement is our just due unless we abide in Him. 

This made me think back to the position of my heart when I determined to have a relationship with Him. Notice I say relationship, versus just believing and going through the rituals and motions of what it means to be a "christian." I was at a place where I knew either I had to be all in or all out. I was doing myself and those around me a disservice as both they and I saw contradictions in my walk with Christ. 

Off course this doesn't mean that now I actively pursue Christ through His word and through serving His people that I don't fall short. Far from that. But it means that my life is a constant cycle of pointing myself and others back to oneness with the Lord after stumbling.

Going back to the quote: So now does this mean that we are to ignore those who do not believe they need to confess, repent and ask for forgiveness from a perfect savior? Not at all, quite the opposite! John 13:35, one of my favorite verses states "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." Do you know one of my callers told me this? even in the midst of their psychosis they had a blessed assurance that Jesus is Lord and that all we need is love! But I digress...

1 John 3:10, Mark 12:31, 1 John 4:7-21 and a bazillion other scriptures remind us constantly in the Word that to be ambassadors of Christ is to love others into the Kingdom. Before trying to force people to church, ask how they're doing, offer a hug, money if they're homeless, a coat in this cold weather, a ride home, an invitation for coffee... do something! Anything that will show your care about them unconditionally; yes, even if they don't go to church! 

Ask God to show you where there is a need you can help meet. Ask Him to help you see the world like He does. Pray for help loving the "undesirables" of this world as you would like to be loved. Just ask God, He'll do it! And soon, you'll see the opportunities to win people to Christ too.

Grace and Peace!

P.S Merry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours <3