Saturday, June 1, 2013

No Excuses

                I’ve already shared on Facebook what book I’ve started reading now that I’m a graduate… see how I snuck that in there? (haha)  It’s official, I hold an MSW degree and that’s it for me in regard to classes. Well, for now at least…

                The awesome book currently helping me with my idleness is “The Skin You Live In: Building Friendships Across Cultural Lines” by David D, Ireland. God created us all in His image therefore we are to embrace one another regardless of race, ethnicity, country of origin, sex, gender etc. regardless of the circumstances facing you or another person, love the sinner and hate the sin. Love them into relationship with Christ; God is drilling me on this currently so I must encourage others to do the same.
                One of the many awesome quotes in the book that I’m meditating on as I get ready to go on my first mission trip (woohoo) states:
It takes courage to publicly voice your agreement in favor of diversity. If you hope to have any influence in today’s racially diverse society, you have to wear your courage like a well-tailored suit: with confidence and pride.
                Self confidence stems from knowing you’ve adopted the right position. How can loving and embracing other races be wrong? How can wanting the best for every race be considered an incorrect perspective? It would be silly for anyone to consider your positive opinion detrimental to the betterment of society. You have every reason in the world to square your shoulders with self-confidence and pride.
                Like a five-year-old ring bearer dressed fashionably in a black-and-white tuxedo, square your shoulders and walk proudly down the center aisle to the altar – the place where vows and commitments are made for life. Your new life is about to begin – a life committed to building relationships across cultural lines. Take pride in obeying Jesus’ command to love your neighbor as yourself. It’s the right thing to do! You will not be disappointed.
                Biblically, this concept is evident with the gospel no longer being restricted to just Israel/ the Jewish people, but through Peter, it was extended to the Gentiles as well (Acts 10). Also, the great commission! What does it say? “Therefore, go and make disciples of ALL NATIONS baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19).”

                The next verse follows with Christ telling the disciples to teach these new disciples how to obey. We cannot teach that which we don’t do. Christ led by example and so should we in order for us to fulfill the one direct purpose we have on this earth. There is no excuse for you not to “love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31).” The same God who created you, created them. And the same Jesus who dies for you, died for them as well. Therefore, the same Spirit that lives in you CAN, and longs, to live in them. This can only happen through our continued efforts to spread the gospel boldly, unashamed and without discrimination.  

Just ask God to show you how; prayer changes things.

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